Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dr. Justice T. David MARSHALL

MARSHALL, Dr. Justice T. David
In memoriam Died November 20, 2009

Even at our greatest, one must, upon reflection, be humbled by the utter insignificance of our individual lives. At best, we merit a fleeting reference here, or a bookmark there. Each of us is but a drop in the veritable ocean that is mankind. We are born to die; to give birth; to let loose our grasp in favour of those to come. Our brief day begets a long night to come.
And still, individuals, like drops, count - the whole is nothing without its parts. Perhaps, then, and in the final analysis, this is the most any of us should dare to dream - to be remembered fondly, if at all, by those who shared with us our brief moments in the sun. To ask for more, surely, would be to ask for too much. 
T. David Marshall is loved and fondly remembered by Jill Marshall, his children Jillian, Julie,
Albert, Thomas, David Jr., by their families and his friends.
T. David Marshall, Jr. 2013