Monday, October 31, 2011

Following David Cameron's Argument to its Logical End Leads us to an Unavoidable Conclusion: Its Time to Say Goodbye to the Monarchy

Tradition, in and of itself, carries no philosophical or moral weight. It simply is the continuation of a practice over many generations. To give moral weight to tradition, or to establish a particular tradition's worth, evidence and reasons must be given. And, of course, this evidence, or these reasons given, can be tested to determine their relative value, merit, strength - or weakness.

It is, then, with some humour, that we recently read of the British Parliament's move to change the succession rules for its (our) Crown. Gone are the days of favouring only men, they say. But, to follow Prime Minister David Cameron's argument to its logical conclusion - given the reasons stated for this change - we are led to the wholly different, yet ultimate and unavoidable conclusion, that the very institution of hereditary entitlement ought to be done away with.

Have a look at my most recent letter to the editor. I hope you see the humour in Mankind's blind adherence to tradition - it's pure, unabashed folly.