Thursday, November 22, 2007


Check out WWW.KIVA.ORG

Micro loans work to give the working poor a chance to start their own business. Often, the poor, both here and around the world, have never been to a bank. They have never had the money to start an account. They have no assets to leverage. They are, without you, without hope.
If you have 20 minutes, take a look at and think about changing someone's life forever. You can Loan as little as $25 to someone looking to start a business. For many in the world, $25 or $50 may be all it takes - the equivalent of over 1 month's salary!

The percentage of repayed loans in 97% - i.e. its a good bet you will get your money back. With this return, you can either re-invest in another person, or reclaim your original loan.

It's easy, and it's a great way to give people a hand up. You will help someone who wants to help themselves, but, due to circumstances, cannot. That's where you can make a whole world of difference.

Remember, go to Look around. Make a change.